The Best Place to See God
- George Carson
- Hits: 1620
Brethren, I hope you and yours are all keeping well and making the best you can of these difficult times. Sadly we have lost brethren and some have lost family and friends. On top of this we see madness at home and all over the world. It can be hard to keep positive.
As well as the some of the chaos we are experiencing in the UK, some administration seem so be at odds with just about every other country in the world as well as their own citizens.
This month alone has seen Chinese forces killing Indian soldiers at a disputed border. North Korea has blown up the joint liaison offices with the south and threatened to send troops into the demilitarisation zones. Poland has invaded the Czech Republic, albeit it seems by mistake.
These are just a few examples that have filtered through the news to me, mostly clogged up with Covid 19 information.
One of the good things to come out of the stay at home as much as possible and don’t journey more than about 5 miles is we are all meeting and getting to know our neighbours more. Dog walkers regularly pass the house. Families say hello when out for their exercise. Neighbours are working in their gardens washing their cars.
If the world could just get back to those basics. Acknowledge that black and indeed all lives matter. Respect other people’s religions and beliefs. Respect their colour and creed. Try to show understanding and tolerance.
In the Christian faith this is fundamental: Mathew Chapter 20: V36 to 40.
36. Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
If only we could all obey these commandments how much better would the world be?
Brethren, I hope you are finding that people are coming together to help one another, friends, family and neighbours all. I hope you are getting the support you need. If not let me, or a member of your Lodge, or of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West know and we will see what we can do to help.
Please love thy neighbour because if we all did that the world would be a better, happier, more positive place.
Bro George Carson
Provincial Grand Chaplain
This is a link to the Provincial Grand Master Bro Robin McIntyre's message from 6th June 2020
This document can also be found under 'Latest Documents' on home page of website and also under 'Documents - PG Master Latest' in the top menu.
Along with Bro. James Watson, the RWM of Lodge Sir Michael No 989, I was delighted to assist with the presentation of the cheque to MH House. Many congratulations to Bro. David Bain for his tremendous effort. David undertook the sponsored cycle following the cancellation of the Annual Degree which is carried out by the RW Masters of the Province of Renfrewshire West to raise funds for MH House
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM
As Provincial Grand Master of The Province of Renfrewshire West I was delighted to accompany Bro Malcolm Sinclair to Marcus Humphrey House this morning and present the Home with a donation of 3 Apple Ipads.
This initiative commenced following a suggestion by Bro Sinclair, that because of the current restrictions in place due to the Corona virus, the residents of the Home were now unable to enjoy face to face contact with their family and friends.
Following donations received from Provincial Grand Lodge, the Lodges in the Province and individual Brethren we have been able to purchase a number of Ipads.
The donations received will also allow the Province to donate a number of Ipads to Inverclyde Royal Hospital in Greenock.
I am very grateful to the Lodges and Brethren of the Province for the very generous donations that were received ensuring that the residents of the Home now have the ability to communicate with their friends and family at this very difficult time for us all.
On Tuesday 4 February I attended Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, where Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626, conferred a FC Degree.
On Thursday 6 February I attended Grand Committee and the February Communication of Grand Lodge in Edinburgh
On Friday 7 February the Annual Communication of PG Lodge took place in the Masonic Temple, West Stewart Street, Greenock, where we enjoyed an excellent Installation of the Elective Office-bearers by the Sub. PGM Bro Paul Docherty. A very well attended meeting with the Citizenship Award being presented to Mr Billy McCready at the supper following the meeting. see more photos below
On Monday 10 February I attended a FC Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626.
On Thursday 13 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425 for their Annual Visitation of the year where we enjoyed an excellent FC Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2018-19.
On Friday 14 February, accompanied by PG Sec Bro Alan Beck and Jr.PG Warden Bro Robert Bain, I attended the Quarterly Communication of the PG Lodge of Ayrshire. On this occasion I had the privilege of heading the Deputation from the Sister PG Lodges. The MWGM Mason Bro Ramsay McGhee was also present and installed the new Substitute PG Master of Ayrshire Bro George Reid.
On Sunday 16 February I headed a Deputation from PGL to the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 and Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217.
On Tuesday 18 February, I attended the funeral service of Bro Alistair Gleeny PM of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 and PG Almoner in St John’s Church Gourock.
On Tuesday 18 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 for their Annual Visitation where we enjoyed an excellent EA Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2018-19. My thanks to PG Chaplain Bro George Carson and PSPG Warden bro Richard Harrison who attended the Communication of the PGL of Kilwinning on the same evening.
On Monday 24 February I attended Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 where I witnessed a MM Degree conferred by the Past Masters of the Lodge. I also assisted the RWM Bro Graeme Wallace present Jubilee Certificates to Bro Raymond Bruce PM and Bro Jack Turpie PM.
On Tuesday 25 February along with PG Sec Bro Alan Beck I attended an EA Degree at Lodge Crawfurdsburn no 1121.
On Saturday 29 February, in the company of IPPGM Bro James Livingstone I attended the Annual Communication of the PGL of Stirlingshire in Grangemouth.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM
On Tuesday 7 January I attended Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, where Bro Alan D Beck PM and PG Secretary presented a very enjoyable Lecture entitled, “Mozart, Freemasonry and the Magic Flute”
On Wednesday 8 January, I attended Lodge Sir Michael No 989 for an EA Degree, with the new EA being the RWM Bro Watson’s son. My thanks to the Brethren from PG Lodge who accompanied on this occasion.
On Saturday 11 January along with my wife Hessie, enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at the Lodge Crawfurdsburn Seniors Lunch.
On Monday 13 January I attended a FC Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626.
On Tuesday 14, I headed a Deputation to the first Annual Visitation by PG Lodge of 2020 which took place at Lodge Crawfurrdsburn No 1121, where we witnessed an excellent MM Degree.
On Thursday 16 January, I headed a Deputation from PG Lodge to Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 for their Annual Visitation, where we witnessed a very enjoyable EA Degree.
On Saturday 25 January in the company of PG Treasurer Bro Thomas Trotter I attended the Annual Communication and Installation of Elective Office-bearers of the PG Lodge of Dunbartonshire, where I had the privilege of heading the deputation of Brethren from the Sister PG Lodges and also proposing the Toast to the PG Lodge of Dunbartonshire at the Dinner. On the same day IPPGM Bro James Livingstone and Sen PGW Bro Richard Harrison represented the Province at a similar event at the PGL of Renfrewshire East.
On Sunday 26 January I attended the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock and Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425, held within Lodge Firth of Clyde. The excellent service was conducted by the Lodge Chaplain of Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626 Bro James Livingstone PM, IPPGM. My thanks to the Brethren of PG Lodge who attended the service.
On Monday 27 January, I headed a Deputation from PG Lodge to the Annual Visitation of Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626, where we witnessed an excellent EA Degree carried out on 2 candidates.
My grateful thanks to the Commissioned Office-bearers, the Elected Office-bearers and the Past Sen PG Wardens of PG Lodge for all their support.
A reminder that the Grand Lodge Communication will be held on Thursday 6 February in Edinburgh.
The Annual Communication and Installation of Elective Office-bearers will be held on Friday 7 February within Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM