As we approach the beginning of another session I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable summer recess especially during the better weather that we enjoyed in June and July.
On Wednesday 1st May, was the Regular Communication of PG Lodge, when in addition to normal business a Deputation from Grand Lodge headed by Past Sub. Grand Master Bro Alexander Galbraith attended and Installed our new Substitute PG Master Bro Paul Docherty.
On Saturday 18th May I attended another extremely successful PGL Summer Ball in Greenock Town Hall. I hope that everyone enjoyed another great night.
On Friday 24th May I attended the funeral of PSPGW Bro Rudi Stetz, an excellent and fitting turnout of brethren at Greenock Crematorium.
On Thursday 6th June I attended the Special Meeting of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 and witnessed an excelled EA Degree conducted by the Past Masters of the Lodge. My thanks to the Brethren of PG Lodge who accompanied me on that occasion.
On Saturday 8th June I attended the Summer Fete at Marcus Humphrey House many thanks to Bro Malcolm Sinclair for his hard working and organising the plant stall at the Fete. Thanks to Bro Kenneth McCrae who assisted on the day and to the Commission Team and the other Brethren of the Province who attended.
On Thursday 13th June I attended Grand Committee and also the Regular Communication of grand Lodge in Edinburgh and delighted to see a number of Brethren from the Province present on the day.
On Friday 19th July I attended the funeral of PPGM Bro William MH Macfarlane in St Andrew’s Church in Port Glasgow.
On Wednesday 14th August I attended a very enjoyable Masters Dinner, which also included several lively discussions.
On Tuesday 20th August accompanied by, IPPGM Bro James Livingstone, DPGM Bro John Black, SPGM Bro Paul Docherty and PG Sec. Bro Alan Beck I attended the half yearly communication of the PGL of Kilwinning.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM