Further to my leg surgery at the beginning of October I have unfortunately not been able to attend many of the meetings and Installations that have been held in the Province during this period.
Can I at this time thank all the Lodges and Brethren for all the cards and messages I received as I recuperated from the surgery, it was greatly appreciated.
I did have the great pleasure in assisting the RWM Bro James Watson of Lodge Sir Michael No 989 with the presentation of a 70-year Certificate to Bro Jimmy Ross of Lodge Sir Michael. On this occasion we were made very welcome by the staff of the Marchmont House Home and enjoyed spending time with Bro Ross and his wife who is also a resident of the Home. My thanks to Bro Watson and also Bro James Madden for all the arrangements.
On Thursday 28th November I attended the Installation at Grand Lodge and the Festival of St Andrew in Edinburgh, in the company of several Brethren from the Province. It was announced on the day that Bro James Strachan had been awarded the Honorary Grand Rank of Architect by the Grand Master Mason.
On Friday 29th November I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PG Lodge to the Annual Installation of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 where Bro Eric Ramsay was Installed as RW Master for a second year.
On Saturday 30th November in the company of IPPGM Bro James Livingstone and DPGM Bro John Black, I attended the Installation of Bro Andrew Mushet as the new PGM of the Province of Glasgow, with the Installation Ceremony being carried out by the MW GMM Bro W Ramsay McGhee, Past Sub GM Bro Alexander Galbraith was also in attendance as part of the Grand Lodge Deputation.
On Tuesday 3rd December I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 for their Annual Divine Service, where we enjoyed an excellent Service conducted by Bro Alistair Glenny PM.
On Wednesday 4th December the December Committee meeting of PGL was held with Lodge Firth Clyde, Gourock No 626.
On Friday 6th December I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425 for their Annual Installation of Office-bearers with Bro Sidney Alexander being Installed as RWM.
On Monday 9th December, in the company of DPGM Bro John Black and PG Chaplain Bro George Carson I attended Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 and witnessed an excellent EA Degree.
On Saturday 14th December along with my wife I attended the Seniors Christmas Lunch in Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626.
On Tuesday 17th December I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Crawfurdsburn No 1121 for their Annual Divine Service, where we enjoyed an excellent Service conducted by Bro George Carson PM. I was also pleased to assist the RWM Bro Adam McKenzie in presenting Bro James Strachan with a Jewel and Certificate to mark his Honorary Grand Rank of Architect.
My grateful thanks to the Commissioned Office-bearers and the Elected Office-bearers of PG Lodge for all their support during the past year and especially to our DPGM Bro John Black for heading the PG Lodge Deputations to various Meetings and Installations during the last few months.
I hope Brethren that you have all enjoyed the Festive period and on behalf of the Commissioned Team and the Elective Office-bearers I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM