Application forms are also still available within each Lodge.
If you have not already “signed up” I hope that you will give your earnest consideration to this excellent method of charity fund-raising which should at the same time, assist in boosting attendance figures throughout the Lodges.
The monthly entry fee is £5.00. However, those wishing to participate are not limited to any number of “entries” and if anyone wishes to purchase two or more tickets they may do so. It is hoped that Lodges will also participate by purchasing tickets and perhaps this could be favourably considered by your General or Finance Committees.
Members may either pay cash (cheques should be made out to the Provincial Grand Lodge) or may take out a standing order arrangement. You can also take part on a monthly basis but to take part in the draw your contribution, whether by cash, cheque or standing order must be with the Provincial Grand Treasurer prior to the draw taking place.
Please remember that a minimum of 50% of the income will be going directly to charity. I have not as yet decided on a good cause for this project as I felt that we had to be assured that it would get “off the ground”. It is probably that when the time comes to divide up the proceeds, it will be split between a national charity and a local charity or charities. I have a fairly open mind about a national charity and would welcome suggestions from Lodges or individuals. There are, of course, many worthy charities and many of them will resonate with many of you for personal reasons. Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, Breast Cancer, Cancer Research, Childline, Help for Heroes, the list is endless. If you have a suggestion, please email me.
Bro. James Livingstone PGM