On Tuesday 7 January I attended Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, where Bro Alan D Beck PM and PG Secretary presented a very enjoyable Lecture entitled, “Mozart, Freemasonry and the Magic Flute”
On Wednesday 8 January, I attended Lodge Sir Michael No 989 for an EA Degree, with the new EA being the RWM Bro Watson’s son. My thanks to the Brethren from PG Lodge who accompanied on this occasion.
On Saturday 11 January along with my wife Hessie, enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at the Lodge Crawfurdsburn Seniors Lunch.
On Monday 13 January I attended a FC Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626.
On Tuesday 14, I headed a Deputation to the first Annual Visitation by PG Lodge of 2020 which took place at Lodge Crawfurrdsburn No 1121, where we witnessed an excellent MM Degree.
On Thursday 16 January, I headed a Deputation from PG Lodge to Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217 for their Annual Visitation, where we witnessed a very enjoyable EA Degree.
On Saturday 25 January in the company of PG Treasurer Bro Thomas Trotter I attended the Annual Communication and Installation of Elective Office-bearers of the PG Lodge of Dunbartonshire, where I had the privilege of heading the deputation of Brethren from the Sister PG Lodges and also proposing the Toast to the PG Lodge of Dunbartonshire at the Dinner. On the same day IPPGM Bro James Livingstone and Sen PGW Bro Richard Harrison represented the Province at a similar event at the PGL of Renfrewshire East.
On Sunday 26 January I attended the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock and Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425, held within Lodge Firth of Clyde. The excellent service was conducted by the Lodge Chaplain of Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626 Bro James Livingstone PM, IPPGM. My thanks to the Brethren of PG Lodge who attended the service.
On Monday 27 January, I headed a Deputation from PG Lodge to the Annual Visitation of Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626, where we witnessed an excellent EA Degree carried out on 2 candidates.
My grateful thanks to the Commissioned Office-bearers, the Elected Office-bearers and the Past Sen PG Wardens of PG Lodge for all their support.
A reminder that the Grand Lodge Communication will be held on Thursday 6 February in Edinburgh.
The Annual Communication and Installation of Elective Office-bearers will be held on Friday 7 February within Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM