On Tuesday 4 February I attended Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, where Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626, conferred a FC Degree.
On Thursday 6 February I attended Grand Committee and the February Communication of Grand Lodge in Edinburgh
On Friday 7 February the Annual Communication of PG Lodge took place in the Masonic Temple, West Stewart Street, Greenock, where we enjoyed an excellent Installation of the Elective Office-bearers by the Sub. PGM Bro Paul Docherty. A very well attended meeting with the Citizenship Award being presented to Mr Billy McCready at the supper following the meeting. see more photos below
On Monday 10 February I attended a FC Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626.
On Thursday 13 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425 for their Annual Visitation of the year where we enjoyed an excellent FC Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2018-19.
On Friday 14 February, accompanied by PG Sec Bro Alan Beck and Jr.PG Warden Bro Robert Bain, I attended the Quarterly Communication of the PG Lodge of Ayrshire. On this occasion I had the privilege of heading the Deputation from the Sister PG Lodges. The MWGM Mason Bro Ramsay McGhee was also present and installed the new Substitute PG Master of Ayrshire Bro George Reid.
On Sunday 16 February I headed a Deputation from PGL to the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 and Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217.
On Tuesday 18 February, I attended the funeral service of Bro Alistair Gleeny PM of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 and PG Almoner in St John’s Church Gourock.
On Tuesday 18 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 for their Annual Visitation where we enjoyed an excellent EA Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2018-19. My thanks to PG Chaplain Bro George Carson and PSPG Warden bro Richard Harrison who attended the Communication of the PGL of Kilwinning on the same evening.
On Monday 24 February I attended Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 where I witnessed a MM Degree conferred by the Past Masters of the Lodge. I also assisted the RWM Bro Graeme Wallace present Jubilee Certificates to Bro Raymond Bruce PM and Bro Jack Turpie PM.
On Tuesday 25 February along with PG Sec Bro Alan Beck I attended an EA Degree at Lodge Crawfurdsburn no 1121.
On Saturday 29 February, in the company of IPPGM Bro James Livingstone I attended the Annual Communication of the PGL of Stirlingshire in Grangemouth.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM