As Provincial Grand Master of The Province of Renfrewshire West I was delighted to accompany Bro Malcolm Sinclair to Marcus Humphrey House this morning and present the Home with a donation of 3 Apple Ipads.
This initiative commenced following a suggestion by Bro Sinclair, that because of the current restrictions in place due to the Corona virus, the residents of the Home were now unable to enjoy face to face contact with their family and friends.
Following donations received from Provincial Grand Lodge, the Lodges in the Province and individual Brethren we have been able to purchase a number of Ipads.
The donations received will also allow the Province to donate a number of Ipads to Inverclyde Royal Hospital in Greenock.
I am very grateful to the Lodges and Brethren of the Province for the very generous donations that were received ensuring that the residents of the Home now have the ability to communicate with their friends and family at this very difficult time for us all.