The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West was held within the Masonic Temple of Lodge Greenock St. John’s No. 175 on Friday 1st February and it was very pleasing to have the initial problem of a short delay while extra seats were set up for the many brethren who crowded into the Lodge. On the evening, the brethren witnessed an excellent installation ceremony carried out in a friendly and dignified manner by Depute Provincial Grand Master, Brother John Williamson Black. For once all the elective office-bearers managed to make the meeting which allowed the opportunity to have a photograph taken with all the brethren present. We would welcome into the ranks of Provincial Grand Lodge our newest office-bearers, Brother Dr. Fraser Gray, who has taken on the role of Organist, Brother Alexander B Wilson, the office of Inner Guard and Brother John Tanner, the office of President of Stewards.
It was a delight to welcome into the Lodge many friends and visitors from sister Provinces including Argyll and the Isles, Ayrshire, Glasgow, Stirlingshire, Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire East, Lanarkshire Middle Ward and Stirlingshire. On the evening, the deputation was headed by the Provincial Grand Master of Dunbartonshire, Brother James Forrest.
Answers on a postcard – what is the collective term for a group of Provincial Grand Masters? In this case, we had four Provincial Grand Masters present, from left to right – Brother William Steele, Provincial Grand Master of Ayrshire, Brother James Forrest, Provincial Grand Master of Dunbartonshire, our own Provincial Grand Master of course, Brother William A Perry, Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and Brother James C Peddie, Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow.