On Friday 1 February the Annual Communication of PG Lodge took place in the Masonic Temple, West Stewart Street, Greenock, where we enjoyed an excellent Installation of the Elective Office-bearers by the Dep. PGM Bro John Black. A very well attended meeting with the Citizenship Award being presented to Children in Poverty Inverclyde at the supper following the meeting.
It was a delight to welcome into the Lodge many friends and visitors from sister Provinces including Argyll and the Isles, Ayrshire, Glasgow, Stirlingshire, Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire East, Lanarkshire Middle Ward and Stirlingshire. On the evening, the deputation was headed by the Provincial Grand Master of Dunbartonshire, Brother James Forrest.
On Thursday 7 February I attended Grand Committee and the February Communication of Grand Lodge in Edinburgh, which was the new MWGMM Bro W. Ramsay McGhee’s first meeting.
On Monday 11 February I attended a MM Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626.
On Thursday 14 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425 for their Annual Visitation of the year where we enjoyed an excellent FC Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2017-18.
On Friday 15 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175 for their Annual Divine Service conducted by Rev Bro David Mitchell.
On Tuesday 19 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 for their Annual Visitation where we enjoyed an excellent FC Degree and following the reports from PG Secretary and PG Treasurer, I was pleased to award the Lodge a Clear Minute for the session 2017-18. Bro Alistair Glenny PM was also presented with a Jewel and Certificate to mark his Honorary Grand Rank of Almoner. My thanks to IPPGM Bro James Livingstone who attended the Communication of the PGL of Kilwinning on the same evening.
On Thursday 21 February I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217, where we witnessed an excellent FC Degree, following the Degree Bro Archie Hoey PM was presented with a Certificate and Jewel to mark his 60 years as member of the Lodge.
On Friday 22 February I attended Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175, where Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 were conferring a MM Degree.
On Saturday 23 February, in the company of IPPGM Bro James Livingstone and PG Sec. Bro Alan Beck we attended the Annual Communication of the PGL of Stirlingshire in Falkirk.On the same evening I attended a very enjoyable Annual Burns Supper of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12 within Greenock Town Hall.
On Monday 25 February I attended a MM Degree at Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626.
Along with the Team of Commissioned Office-bearers I am looking forward to the meeting of Masters and Wardens on Saturday 2 March.
Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM