Update 13th May 2022 GMM Bro William Ramsay McGhee
Robin McIntyre
The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Last Friday night, accompanied by the Depute Grand Master, Brother Jim Bell, and Grand Secretary, Brother Willie Semple, I attended the District Grand Chapter of East Africa Annual Convocation in Nairobi. It was an excellent meeting during which I was able to convey greetings and best wishes from the 1st Grand Principle, MEC Dr Joseph Morrow. At the conclusion of the meeting, we enjoyed a most convivial harmony organised by the Companions of Orient Royal Arch Chapter No 437.
The following morning, we three returned to Freemasons’ Hall in Nairobi to attend a District Grand Lodge Committee Meeting. Thereafter we had a rehearsal for the Installation Meeting.
That afternoon, I had the immense pleasure of installing Brother Kalpesh Prabhulal Shah into the Office of District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of East Africa along with his Commissioned Office-bearers. I was assisted in the ceremony by our Depute Grand Master Brother Jim Bell who took on the role of Grand Director of Ceremonies. What a tremendous job he did and coped with some names that were, to say the least, a challenge to us all! Grand Secretary was likewise tremendous carrying out not only his own duties but those of Grand Chaplain. At the conclusion of the Installation of the DGM and his Commission, we thoroughly enjoyed sitting back to witness the Installation of the Elected Office-bearers carried out by the DGM and Brother Michael Craig.
At the close of the meeting over 120 Brethren assembled in the refectory where we enjoyed a superb meal followed by good speeches and the opportunity to catch up with friends – old and new.
SCFS Overseas Report
We were delighted to continue welcoming new members to the group from our Overseas Lodges.
We are aware of a number of excellent charitable and support activities which have recently been undertaken by some of our Overseas Lodges and Districts and look forward to receiving and publishing posts about them.
As I finish off this week’s report, Grand Secretary and I have arrived in Zimbabwe where, last night we attended a Lodge of Sorrow at Lodge Lomagundi No 1075. It was a very moving ceremony to which the ladies and relations of the deceased, Brother Battiss, were included in the proceedings. Tomorrow we will be installing the new District Grand Master, Brother Robert MacDougall Fisher in Harare
Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other.
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason
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