The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Latest news from the Scottish Constitution Freemasonry Supports Facebook page is as follows –
Last week | This week | |
Members | 3729 | 3770 |
Posts | 444 | 454 |
No of Members posting | 200 | 203 |
Lodges mentioned | 233 | 239 |
Provinces mentioned | 30 | 31 |
Districts & Lodges abroad | 15 | 15 |
Monetary Value | £334,664 | £338,564 |
SCFS Overseas Report
- We welcomed 20 Overseas Brethren this week.
- Our Overseas Membership is now standing at 1082 Members (with the anticipated 1100th. Overseas Member joining this coming week.)
- The geographical spread of new members this week saw Brethren being welcomed from ... Bahamas, Bermuda, Central South Africa, Jamaica, Lebanon, Middle East, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia, Western Australia
- The largest increase in membership, once again, was from the District of Lebanonclosely followed the District of Central South Africa.
- Lodge Pythagoras, No. 1841, and Lodge El-Mizab, No. 1130, had equally the largest number of Brethren joining from an individual Lodge.
- The Masonic audience viewing the examples of the excellent support being shared on the SCFS page was further extended as a new International Constitution Member from the Grand Lodge of Minnesotajoined the group.
- An inspiring post was received from Lebanon demonstrating Al Arz Lodge, No. 1853, only consecrated on 28th. June this year, exhibiting true Masonic principles in assisting the local communities, psychologically and physically, in the wake of the Beirut Port blast.
I attended a meeting of European Grand Masters last night and while the news on the spread of coronavirus throughout Europe was of great concern to us all, it was evident that we are all committed to doing all that we can to keep Brethren in our respective Constitutions involved and active in whatever ways we can. While we accept that zoom meetings are no substitute for the real thing, there was universal agreement that we use zoom and all other similar platforms to the best of our ability to ensure the safety and welfare of Brethren and their families. I am extremely proud that Scottish Freemasons throughout the world have displayed Brotherly Love and Relief in abundance not only within our fraternity but in local communities as well. As we face further restrictions and see the covid-19 statistics rising once more, let us all commit to putting the basic tenets of our Brotherhood into practice – let us be constantly mindful of our Brethren and the families of our Brethren who are struggling physically, financially or mentally – let’s all be there for them. Let us continue to meet by Zoom or similar means whereby we can assure that we take care of the business and administrative issues facing the Lodges and do everything that we can to enable as many Brethren to use the available technology to join in the meetings. Keep positive, keep safe and keep your sense of humour well honed.
Our Grand Secretary has now been with us for over a month and has settled well into his Office. However, it has been brought to my attention that not everyone knows him so here is a wee bit about him.
Brother William M S Semple, Past Master of The United Lodge of Dunkeld No14, Past Provincial Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire West and currently the Provincial Grand Master of Perthshire West.
After a distinguished career in the Police Service, Brother Semple set up William Semple Consulting Ltd, a company providing bespoke investigation, risk & crisis mitigation services and mentoring to both the public and private sector. Having enjoyed much success both at home and abroad with his firm, the time was right for a change in direction and we were delighted to welcome him as our new Grand Secretary at the beginning of September. Brother Semple looks forward to meeting Brethren at home and abroad as soon as the current restrictions are lifted, and we can resume normal service.
Kindest regards
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason