The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
The past week has been very productive in a number of ways. We have had inaugural meetings of two new working groups – a strategy group whose remit is to look at ways we can continue to keep interest going during the prolonged restrictions, to look at how we come out of the Covid-19 pandemic and how we move forward post Covid-19 in a positive and meaningful way. Secondly, a discipline review group who are looking at the entire discipline system and how we can encompass all Orders within the one system.
In both groups, I have tried to bring in fresh ideas by including representatives from our Districts and Brethren who have placed themselves on the Register of interests. Both groups will report back to the Administration Committee in due course.
We also enjoyed the final presentation in the series of lectures organised by the History and Heritage Group on the ten oldest Lodges. The entire series has been very interesting and has attracted good audiences. The lectures are all available from the Group for anyone who has missed them.
As we go to press today, our new Grand Secretary, Brother William Semple will be attending his first European Grand Secretary’s Conference via Zoom. We wish him well.
From this evening (Friday 9th October) Masonic Clubs with the exception of the Central Belt will face further strict conditions – the main new restrictions are –
- Hospitality (food and drink): all premises may only open indoors between 6am and 6pm, with no sales of alcohol
- Hospitality (food and drink): premises may open outdoors until 10pm, with sales of alcohol (where licensed)
- Takeaways (including from pubs and restaurants) can continue
- Current meeting rules, maximum of six people from two households, continue to apply
Central belt area focusing on five health board areas (Ayrshire & Arran; Forth Valley; Greater Glasgow & Clyde; Lanarkshire; Lothian):
All licensed premises will be required to close, with the exception of takeaway services
For those of you who may be affected by the new restrictions, the latest information from the Scottish Government can be found at -
Latest news from the Scottish Constitution Freemasonry Supports Facebook page is as follows –
Last week | This week | |
Members | 3663 | 3729 |
Posts | 438 | 444 |
No of Members posting | 200 | 200 |
Lodges mentioned | 233 | 233 |
Provinces mentioned | 30 | 30 |
Districts & Lodges abroad | 15 | 15 |
Monetary Value | £332,594 | £334,664 |
SCFS Overseas Report
- We welcomed 43 Overseas Brethren this week.
- Our Overseas Membership is now standing at 1062 Members
- The geographical spread of new members this week saw Brethren joining from ... Bahamas, Botswana, Central South Africa, Fiji, Jamaica, Jordan, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Lebanon, Malawi, Middle East, Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada, Western Australia
- The largest increase in membership, by far, was from the District of Lebanon with encouraging numbers also from the Districts of The Bahamas and Central South Africa.
- Lodge Trinity, No. 1846, Bhamdoun, Lebanon, had the largest number of Brethren joining from an individual Lodge.
- The recent new category of Membership, that of International Constitution Member (ICM), saw Brethren join from the United Grand Lodge of Queensland, United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of India. Examples of the excellent support being shared on the SCFS page are now reaching a much wider audience.
- The SCFS Team wishes Lodge Polynesia, No. 562, which has been very supportive of the group, a very happy Fiji Day tomorrow on the 50th. Anniversary of Independence...... Kalougata, marau kei na sautu ki na matanitu o Viti.
As the Covid-19 situation worsens and stricter restrictions are imposed here in Scotland and a similar story emerges in some of our Districts, please stay safe, look after yourself and be constantly mindful of our Brethren and the families of our Brethren who are struggling physically, financially or mentally – let’s all be there for them.
Kindest regards
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason