The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Yesterday we witnessed history in the making as Brethren attending the June Communication overwhelmingly voted for change to the Governance Structure of Grand Lodge. Much work will now go into implementing and developing the changes which will significantly improve the way Grand Lodge operates. Through this weekly update and our social media platforms you will be updated regularly on progress being made. Likewise, there will now be an annual report available to all members of the Scottish Craft to openly demonstrate what progress is being made with all matters pertaining to the governance of Grand Lodge.
I am particularly excited by the fact that both our District and Provincial Grand Masters will have their own Standing Committees through which they will have a far stronger voice than in the past. They will also be tasked to deal with any matters that the Strategy Committee feel can be best dealt with by District or Provincial Masters.
I would once again stress the need for volunteers for the Prostate Champion role. This project has so many positives attached to it. Possibly, those of you who have already suffered some form of Prostate Disease would be ideally suited to the role, but we are keen to recruit any Brethren who feel that they can be of service in this important position. Full training will be given, and back-up support will be available. So please give this matter serious consideration wherever you are at home or abroad. The success of the project will depend on securing sufficient volunteers for what will be a very fulfilling and rewarding function.
- There will be no SCFS report this week – Brother Fergie is having a well-deserved break.
A post by Brother Pédro Turnquest, JW, Lodge San Andreas, No. 1835, the Bahamas, was published advising of the Lodge’s support of the Aids Foundation in raising funds by selling books of raffle tickets at a local charity event. In total, the Lodge was able to donate the excellent sum of over £800 to this wonderful cause. The support of a variety of charities by other Lodges in the District of the Bahamas was also shown.
- Once again, it was a pleasure to welcome new members from our Lodges overseas. This week particular reference must be made to Lodge St. John, No. 618 (Far East).
- In addition, Brethren from other Masonic constitutions, with which the GLoS is in amity, were similarly welcomed. Amongst these, and deserving special mention, were many Brethren from Lodges under the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
On Wednesday evening, accompanied by the Substitute Grand Master and Grand D of C, we joined with a large Deputation of Brethren from Paraguay in Lodge Elgin and Bruce No 1077 where we witnessed Brother Mark Thompson receive an excellent MM Degree. The Degree was also witnessed by Brother Mark’s father, (Brother Craig Thompson, SPGM in Fife and Kinross and member of staff at Grand Lodge) and grandfather. It was excellent to see three generations in Lodge together.
Last Friday night, despite rail strikes, flights being cancelled and delayed, I was able to get to London and attend the Caledonian Lodge No 134 EC. I was accompanied by Brother Alexander Moncrieff, SGM and a large Deputation from our own Caledonian Lodge 392 in Edinburgh whose numbers were augmented by Brethren from neighbouring Lodges and Provinces in and near to Edinburgh. Despite the fact that I missed most of the meeting, I was made very welcome by both the Master of the Lodge, Brother Fred Bain, and by Brother Chris Hayward, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master.
The ensuing Festive Board was excellent, and it provided a good opportunity to meet with many of their members. The Lodge is actively encouraging Scots living and working in London to consider joining them and part of my visit was to encourage that process.
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason