Weekly Update 26th May 2023 GMM Bro William Ramsay McGhee



The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland

William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason


The paperwork for the June Communication was sent out yesterday. Included in the papers are ten FAQs regarding the proposed changes to the Constitution and Laws. I am confident that they will clarify any questions that you may have. In fact, the first one, which I have reproduced herein, will very likely provide you with the main reason for the changes we are advocating. I cannot over emphasise the importance of this proposal which will be voted on in June – it is vital to the future success and sustainability of Scottish Freemasonry. However, to make life easier for all, Click here for all the FAQs to this edition of the Update.

Why are we changing?

This proposal is in response to the recommendations from Grand Committee on 9th September 2021 on the five working group reports, which were subsequently ratified and agreed on the floor of The Grand Lodge of Scotland on 28th October 2021. Specifically, that Grand Secretary, with the appropriate support of subject matter experts, was to “Design, develop and deliver a strategic governance structure for the Scottish Constitution.”

The new governance structure also addresses key findings from the recent membership survey. It is intended to improve the democratic structure of governance of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, while enhancing the effectiveness of the standing committees, and improving the delivery of strategic objectives.

By succinctly setting out what changes are proposed, why they are considered necessary and how they will operate within the overall governance structure of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, it provides a blueprint for improvement, ensuring the Craft is fit for the 21st century.

Please do read through all the FAQs – I’m sure that they will answer most of your queries. Much work has gone into the preparation of the motion and much work will be needed to bring its content to fruition. However, I am certain that by adopting the proposals, we will ensure the future and sustainability of Scottish Freemasonry.


  • The Group saw its membership rise to 7162 Brethren from not only the Scottish Constitution but from many of our Sister Constitutions throughout the world.
  • This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 1698, submitted by 481 of its members.
  • These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 437 Lodges, from within 59 of its Provincial Grand Lodges, District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges abroad under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge. 
  • During the week posts were submitted by group members representing the Provinces of Aberdeenshire West, Argyll & The Isles, Edinburgh, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Linlithgowshire and Midlothian.
  • The total identifiable monetary value of the contributions now recorded has risen to £3,423,274.
SCFS Overseas Report 

Brother Beng Hock Teo, Secretary, Lodge Sarawak No. 1452, based in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, under the DGL of the Middle East, posted details of Lodge Sarawak handing over bagpipes and equipment to St. Thomas School through the Old Thomians Association. The bagpipes and equipment are for the school band and were paid for through the generous donations by several brethren of the Lodge … totalling RM13,000 (£2300). This is the second batch of bagpipes and equipment to be donated by the Lodge to St. Thomas School.

  • Once again, it was a pleasure to welcome new members from our Lodges overseas. In this respect, there was a very good response from Brethren in the District Grand Lodge of Zambia. Particular reference must be made to Lodge of Unity, No. 1510 and Lodge Lusaka, No. 1368. A warm welcome is also extended to new members from Lodge Sarawak, No. 1452 (Middle East)and from Lodge Bloemhof Fontein, No. 1250 (Central South Africa).
  • In addition, Brethren from other Masonic constitutions, with which the GLoS is in amity, were similarly welcomed. Amongst these were Brethren from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, Grand Lodge of Nevada, Grand Lodge of Irelandand UGLE.

What a splendid time we had in Lewis celebrating the bicentenary of the Lodge Fortrose 108 building. The welcome and hospitality was tremendous, and we even managed a wee trip down to visit Lodge St Clement in Harris. Sincere thanks to everyone in Lewis and Harris.

Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other.

Ramsay McGhee

Grand Master Mason