At the Annual Installation of Lodge Greenock St John’s No. 175 held on Friday 25th October 2013 in the Masonic Temple, West Stewart Street, the Brethren of the Lodge were joined by Brethren from Masonic Lodges from within and outwith the Province of Renfrewshire West to celebrate the Installation of Brother Marshall Richard Charles North as Right Worshipful Master.
RWM Brother Alexander Johnstone, after opening the Lodge, welcomed a Deputation of Brethren from visiting Lodges, headed on this occasion by Brother Andrew Pigott, Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No. 626. They were followed by a deputation of Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Pearston Livingstone. Thereafter the Installing Masters, Bro. Alexander Galbraith, Bro. Matthew B. Henderson and Bro. Robert P. Shields were received and warmly welcomed by Bro. Alexander Johnstone RWM.
During the Ceremonial which followed Bro. Marshall North was installed as RWM of his Mother Lodge for the first time by Installing Master Bro. Alexander Galbraith PM assisted by Bro. Matthew B. Henderson PM.