The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
I think at this time of year when the Installations should be getting into full swing that many of us are missing our meetings more than ever – I certainly missed having the Grand Lodge Installation yesterday and I’m sure many of you did likewise. However, it was not to be and that is the situation we find ourselves in. What we can do at present is use our time to good effect contacting those in our Lodges who are maybe a bit more vulnerable than others to make sure they are OK and not wanting for anything. Having regular zoom meetings to keep in touch with each other, use zoom for other activities such as lodge quiz nights or a couple of weeks ago I got involved in a Lodge whisky tasting night – by zoom. We were all sent 12 whiskies to guess where they came from and so on – it was great fun and really enjoyable. We need to be creative and imaginative in our use of zoom. But now is also a good time to contact those who have drifted away from the Lodge – invite them to zoom meetings to meet up with old friends, let them be aware that to get back in good standing, now is as good a time as any with the availability of paying only the current year’s fee. If we can encourage those lapsed members, (and I am aware from reports that a significant number are already attending zoom meetings), to come back when we can finally open the doors again, how encouraging and motivating would that be. Keep up the good work and on your Installation Day, have a zoom, toast each other and start planning for a super, all singing Installation season next year
During the week the membership of the group rose to 4062.
This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 491, submitted by 211 group members.
These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 264 Lodges, from within 31 Provincial Grand Lodges, 20 District Grand Lodges, Superintendence’s and Lodges under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge.
The identifiable monetary value of contributions rose to £378,969 during the course of last week. This represents an average of £12,632 per week over the last 30 weeks. (Tremendous achievement Brethren)
Each post within the group is regularly viewed by between 2500 and 3000 of the group membership.
SCFS Overseas Report
- Congratulations to our 1200th Overseas Member who is Brother Steven Horwood, IPM, Lodge Unity, No. 1154 (Western Province of The Cape of Good Hope) who was invited to join the group by Brother Dr. Douglas R. H. Nicol, PGM, Aberdeenshire East.
- We welcomed another 16 Overseas Brethren this week.
- Our Overseas Membership is now standing at 1209
- The geographical spread of Overseas Members this week saw Brethren being welcomed from the Districts of ... East Africa, Mauritius, Middle East, Western Australia.
- The largest increase in membership was from the District of the Middle East.
- Lodge Mount Longonot, No. 1813, from Kenya in the District of East Africa, had the largest number of Brethren joining from an individual Lodge.
- We welcomed new International Constitution Members (ICMs) viewing the SCFS page from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, UGLE, Grand Lodge of Spain, Grand Lodge of Virginia, United Grand Lodge of Queensland. SCFS really is being viewed worldwide.
- We published our first post from the District of Western Australia which was on behalf of the 10 Lodges in the District and of DGL.
- Other excellent posts were received from Lodge San Andreas, No. 1835, (Bahamas), Lodge Darul Takzim, No. 1836 (Malaysia in Middle East), Lodge Felicity, No. 1681 (Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada).
The raffle for the silver watch chain was drawn yesterday and the winner was – Brother Eric Sweeney, Master of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No 217, Port Glasgow in the Province of Renfrewshire West. Many congratulations Brother Sweeney and I hope and trust that you will derive great pleasure wearing it. My sincere thanks to our anonymous donor who made the chain – your craftmanship is excellent, and thanks also to John Muir for his unstinting sales promotion, to Mrs Dawn Oliff for all the background work and to Brother Marcus Humphrey for his support and for presiding over the Draw. The chain realised the magnificent sum of £3065 for the Masonic Homes. Finally, my sincere thanks to all Brethren who kindly participated in the draw.
As I mentioned last week, there is a wee light at the end of the tunnel for all of us at home and abroad with the announcement that there may be a vaccine available by Christmas time. Let’s hope and pray that this may be the start of a return to something resembling normality. In the meantime, please stay safe, look after yourselves and each other.
Just health enough to banish care,
Just wealth enough to give and spare,
Just friends enough sincere and true
May this glad season bring to you.
Kindest regards
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason