Brethren, firstly I hope that you and your families are all well. In normal circumstances, at this time we would be in the middle of the Installation season, but unfortunately that is not the case this year.
Although we have not been able to attend our Lodges over the last few months, we, as members of those lodges, must ensure that our Test Fees continue to paid on time to maintain our “good standing” status. A new Grand Secretary has recently been appointed by Grand Lodge and one of his first duties will be to issue the Daughter Lodges with their Annual Account for Fees. The Lodges in the Province have all advised their members on the various methods by which their Test Fees can be paid in these unusual times.
In recent weeks the Commission Team has held an informal zoom meeting with the Secretaries or representatives of the Daughter Lodges, and I was pleased to be advised that all the Lodges confirmed that they were all doing their best to keep the Brethren updated of all that was happening within and outwith the Province of Renfrewshire West. During the meeting I advised that I or one of the Commission Team, would be delighted to join any digital meetings that are being held would be happy to try and answer any questions that the Lodges or the Brethren have at this time.
Going forward, we would normally be starting the Annual Visitations of PG Lodge in January. Although it is extremely unlikely that any of the early visitations will take place, the inspection of the Secretarial records and the Lodge Accounts, must still be undertaken by PG Secretary and PG Treasurer in the normal manner (subject to Covid restrictions of course). I am aware that the Balance Sheets of the Lodges will not have been approved by the Brethren of the Daughter Lodges, however the Inspection of the Accounts can still place as a preliminary action which would be subject to the Accounts being approved at a later date.
I would encourage all the Daughter Lodges to keep in touch with their Brethren, especially their new Initiates, and also the older and more vulnerable members of the Lodge. A couple of the Lodges in the Province are having regular zoom meetings. Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII, have invited numerous speakers to present various papers to the Brethren on a range of subjects. Lodge Crawfurdsburn No 1121 have also had regular zoom meetings featuring Lockdown Delights, their version of Desert Island Discs. I was invited to attend the most recent one, which featured a very enjoyable and varied selection of music.
Brethren, with the recent good news on vaccines, there is a small glimmer of light appearing and with that light there is a hope that as we approach the festive period, we will be able to meet up more regularly with families and friends.
In the meantime, please to continue to follow the government guidelines and stay safe.
At this time, I am pleased to send my regards and best wishes to you and your families. I sincerely hope that we will all be able to meet once more in the not too distant future.
Bro Robin McIntyre
Provincial Grand Master.