The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
On Monday morning, 10th August, a meeting of the Heads of Orders took place to discuss a united approach to reopening Lodge buildings and the commencement of meetings in all Orders. It has been unanimously agreed that no meetings will take place in Scotland during the remainder of this year and that the position will be reviewed early in January 2021. The position of Lodges abroad remains as it was – Lodges can open in accordance with the Laws and Guidelines of their respective countries.
Should matters change significantly in the interim period all Lodges will be notified
I would be obliged if Lodge secretaries could assist in ensuring this Update is circulated as widely as possible among Brethren in all Orders.
Over the past week, while there has been much support for the above decision, I have been asked if Lodge buildings can be used for other purposes. In my correspondence with the Scottish Government, I have made the point that many of our Lodge buildings are community hubs and used by various groups, Masonic and non-Masonic and have asked for guidance on the use of the buildings – to date I have had no response.
Latest news from the Scottish Constitution Freemasonry Supports Facebook page is as follows –
Last week | This week | |
Members | 3127 | 3214 |
Posts | 358 | 364 |
No of Members posting | 177 | 178 |
Lodges mentioned | 204 | 207 |
Provinces mentioned | 29 | 29 |
Districts & Lodges abroad | 12 | 12 |
Monetary Value | £258,230 | £262,766 |
There is a small video on the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lothian Facebook page highlighting what we have been up to on the charitable front during the current crisis. The SCFS video moving forward will be in a similar format.
SCFS Overseas Report
A number of firm relationships are being established between our Overseas Districts/Lodges/Brethren and the SCFS Group which is proving to be of significant mutual benefit. Overseas support continues to strengthen week upon week, evidenced by recent memberships of Brethren from Lodges and a District which, hitherto, had no representation within the Group.
• We had 51 Overseas Brethren join this week, bringing our Overseas Membership of the SCFS Group to 760. It will be interesting to see which Lodge the 800th. member will be from.
• We had new members join from Bahamas, Belgium, Central South Africa, Eastern Province of the Cape of Good Hope, Far East, India, Jamaica, Lebanon, Malawi, Middle East, North Island New Zealand, Sierra Leone and The Gambia, Western Australia, Western Australia Goldfield District
• The largest increase was seen in the Districts of Lebanon (10) and Sierra Leone and The Gambia (9).
• We welcomed our first Members from the Western Australia Goldfields District with Brethren joining from Lodge Golden Feather, No. 855, and Lodge Sir William Wallace, No. 868.
• One of our newest Overseas Lodges ... Lodge Al Arz, No. 1853, (6th. February, 2020), now has representation in the Group.
• The District of the Far East has joined the District of the Middle East in the 100+ Overseas Members Club ... well done.
• The SCFS Group received recognition in an article in “The Cable Tow” which is the official publication of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
• We would strongly encourage our Overseas Members to summit posts sharing the excellent aid which is undoubtedly being provided by them.
• The support of the SCFS Group continues to be extended to our Brethren in the District of Lebanon and details of an online contribution page will soon be published. Those Brethren, and their loved ones, remain in all of our prayers.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland Clay Shooting Championship will be held this Sunday,16th August, at the National Shooting Centre. I have been assured that every possible safety precaution has been put in place but would remind all those taking part that they have a personal duty to adhere to all the Covid-19 guidelines. While the organisers are confident that this local competition can take place safely, they have decided to postpone the Second International Clay Shooting Championship due to be held at the National Shooting Centre on Saturday 3rd October. This decision is regretted but is fully in line with recent decisions taken elsewhere regarding International shooting competitions in Scotland in 2020.
I am delighted to announce that Grand Committee has agreed to extend the exemption from Law 126 for a further year until February 2022.
Brethren, please stay alert, look after yourselves, your families and the Brethren who are in any of the vulnerable categories.
Kindest regards
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason