On Friday 2 November I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Crawfurdsburn No 1121 for their Annual Installation of Office-bearers with Bro John Laird being Installed as RWM.An excellent and dignified Installation Ceremony was carried out by the Installing Masters; Bro Adam McKenzie PM, Bro Thomas More PM and Bro Samuel Hunter PM, and I wish the newly installed RWM and Office-bearers a very enjoyable and successful 12 months.
On Sunday 4 November accompanied by the Commissioned Office-bearers, Bro Thomas Trotter RWM of the Anchor Lodge of Research No 1814, Bro Malcolm Sinclair RWM of Lodge Crawfurdsburn No1121 and Bro Robert Rice RWM of Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425, we represented the Province at Commemoration of the Fallen Parade and Service at Grand Lodge. Bro Alexander Galbraith Past Sub GM was also present.
On Tuesday 6 November, I had the pleasure of heading a deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, for a special evening of remembrance and commemoration marking the end of the Great War.
On Monday 12 November I attended Lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock No 626 and witnessed an excellent FC Degree.
On Friday 16 November I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Sir Michael No 989 for their Annual Installation of Office-bearers with Bro Scott McLaughlin being Installed as RWM .An excellent and dignified Installation Ceremony was carried out by the Installing Masters; Bro Paul Docherty PM, Bro Iain Brown PM and Bro Andrew Pigott PM and I wish the newly installed RWM and Office-bearers a very enjoyable and successful 12 months. With the new Temple being used for the Installation Board for the first time added to the occasion.
On Tuesday 20 November I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No 12, for their Annual Installation of Office-bearers with Bro James Robert Crossan being installed as RWM. An excellent Installation Ceremony was carried out by the Installing Masters, Bro Iain White PM, Bro Ken MacDougall PM and Bro Alan Beck PM. Due to work being carried out within the Town Hall, Installing Board took place in the Grand Corridor. I hope the newly installed RWM and his Office-bearers have a very enjoyable 12 months in office.
On Sunday 25 November accompanied by PG Sec Bro Alan Beck and PG Almoner Bro Alistair Glenny we attended a very enjoyable the Annual Divine Service of the PGL of Glasgow at the Springfield Cambridge Parish Church.
On Monday 26 November I attended Lodge Firth of Clyde No 626 and witnessed an excellent MM Degree.
I had the pleasure of attending Grand Lodge on Thursday 29 November for the Installation of the Grand Master Mason and the Festival of St Andrew. In a very full Grand Lodge Bro William Ramsay McGhee was Installed as our new MW Grand Master Mason together with the other Grand Lodge Office-bearers in an excellent ceremony witnessed by over 800 Brethren. The assembled brethren also enjoyed an excellent dinner and Harmony at the Corn Exchange. Delighted to see Bro James Strachan of Lodge Crawfurdsburn No 1121 attending his 35 consecutive Festival of St Andrew. I would also like to congratulated Bro Alistair Glenny PM and PG Almoner on being awarded the Rank of Honorary Grand Almoner.
On Friday 30 November I had the pleasure of heading a Deputation from PGL to the Annual Installation of Office-bearers of Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No. 217, where we witnessed Bro Eric Sweeney being installed as RWM. An excellent and dignified Installation Ceremony was carried out by the Installing Masters; Bro Ross Nugent PM, Bro. Dan Blaney PM and Bro. Jim Donnelly PM, and I wish the newly installed RWM and Office-bearers a very enjoyable and successful 12 months.