I bring Fraternal greetings to your Right Worshipful Master, Past Masters, Wardens and Brethren.
As you know, The Prostate Scotland Awareness Initiative kicked off if earnest at the Provincial Grand Royal Arch chapter of Renfrewshire, fully supported by the Provinces of Renfrewshire West and Renfrewshire East. . This was way back on Saturday 10th June 2023 where I was delighted to represent the Province and our own PGM at the formal kick off.
This is an extension of the Make it a Million campaign and this initiative is being fully supported by The Grand Lodge of Scotland, I have acted as the representative on the Steering group of our own PGM Bro John Williamson Black.
Since then the inaugural Grand Lodge kick off meeting in Lodge Prince of Wales, hosted by Grand Superintendent Kevin Pollock and the educational session was hosted by Grand Almoner Bro. Tom Davidson. Brother Davidson outlined the aim of the overall programme. Comprehensive presentations were then given by Adam Gains and Mae Bell from Prostate Scotland, after which they group engaged in a Q&A session. A very informative and successful evening was enjoyed by all.
The Champions or Ambassadors for the joint Prostate awareness initiative are spread over the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West ,Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Renfrewshire, .and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East. The Intendancy of Strathclyde and the District Grand Priory of Strathclyde also have given full support. They have undergone specialist training given by Prostate Scotland and are now ready and willing to discharge their role and duties.
This is a completely confidential advice service, and no Brother or Companion should ever feel obliged to reveal their identity should they not want to.
This is not a medical help service, however advice on who to contact for further assistance can be given, a friendly ear and a trained individual to offer advice and support you and signpost the way towards further information and medical help if required.
Our Champions or Ambassadors do not represent any single Province or order, they form a cadre providing their services across the three provinces. This initiate is underpinned by the principle of one masonic family with no boundaries.
Our trained team of Champions are ready for your call.
Gerry - 07932239440
Jim - 07505273293
Danny - 07432832529
Steve - 07507228312
Billy – 07833054567
This initiative is part of The Grand Lodge of Scotland, Prostate legacy and Grand Lodge of Scotland are overseeing and are fully engaged with this initiative.
Brethren, We hope that much more information and future initiatives will be communicated to you all, but I urge you to give this particular communication your earnest consideration.
Every 45 minutes a man dies of Prostate disease in the UK. We have the opportunity to fight Prostate disease head on and refuse to live in ignorance.
Together we can all make a difference
Your Faithfully and Fraternally
Paul Docherty
Depute Provincial Grand Master