The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Last year we celebrated the magnificent achievement of raising over £1 million for Prostate Scotland. As an ideal legacy project and to enable us to continue the excellent relationship we have with Prostate Scotland in a pragmatic and sensible way, we are looking to appoint “Prostate Champions” in every District and Province. I have discussed the project with our Provincial and District Grand Masters, and they are keen to promote the scheme. Prostate Scotland have the quality information and we, as Scottish Freemasons, have the ability to reach into every community at home and overseas, this is particularly true and important in the rural areas. It is a win, win situation for both organisations. There will be a slight difference in the way we administer the project in Provinces and Districts. But hopefully we will be able to make the training by Prostate Scotland available to all our Districts and Provinces. Thereafter we will look to link the Districts into their respective organisations. Ideally, every Province will have a volunteer prostate champion(s). The number of prostate champions will be determined by the Province/District taking into consideration the number of lodges and the local geographical spread. Champions will be given training remotely by Prostate Scotland (probably by Zoom) during the summer recess with a view to the introduction into Provinces in September 2023. The champion will be the “go to person” in the Province / District for information on prostate disease.
What will be expected of the Volunteer Prostate Champions? First and foremost, they will NOT be an alternative to a General Practitioner. We are looking for Brethren who are good listenersand able to deal with people confidentially, who are competent public speakers, be willing to assist in distributing appropriate information,not only to brethren,but to the general public through local clubs, public spaces etc. They will be willing to speak to lodges,to community groups in the locality, both male and female onthe subject of prostate disease. Provincial and District Grand Masters will receive a full specification for the role of Prostate Champion, but I’d simply like to take this opportunity to commend the initiative to you. If you are interested in becoming a Prostate Champion, please speak to your Provincial or District Grand Master. They will then contact Grand Almoner who will make all necessary arrangements.
Last Sunday, accompanied by DGM, Brother William Gauld, SGM Alexander Moncrieff and Assistant Grand Secretary, Duncan McFadyen, I attendedthe Service of Thanksgiving in commemoration of the Coronation, in Glasgow Cathedral. It was a truly memorable occasion – the Cathedral was packed to capacity, the music and choral arrangements were of the highest standard and a very pertinent and inspirational sermon was delivered by the Very Rev Lorna Hood OBE, Past Moderator of the General Assembly with the Rev Mark Johnstone pulling the entire service together in his own inimitable style.
The Group saw its membership rise to 7148 Brethren from not only the Scottish Constitution but from many of our Sister Constitutions throughout the world.
This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 1660, submitted by 478 of its members.
These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 437 Lodges, from within 59 of its Provincial Grand Lodges, District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges abroad under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge.
During the week posts were submitted by group members representing the Provinces of Aberdeenshire East, Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, and Linlithgowshire.
The total identifiable monetary value of the contributions now recorded has risen to £3,290,619.
Recently, excellent posts have been received.
This week we were delighted to welcome our first ICM from the Grand Lodge of New York.
Looking forward to a visit to Larkhall tomorrow to mark the 200th anniversary of Lodge St Thomas, No 306.
A week today another overseas trip when I head a Grand Lodge Deputation across the Minch to celebrate with the Brethren of Lodge Fortrose 108 the bi-centenary of their magnificent building in Kenneth Street, Stornoway.
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason