The annual Installation of Lodge Firth of Clyde, Gourock No. 626 took place within the Lodge Temple on Saturday 15th October when a full house witnessed Brother Nicholas R R Stetz being installed into the chair of his Mother Lodge by Past Masters Brother Brian G Hopkins, Kenneth M McCrae and James P Livingstone and also including the Master’s Grandfather Past Master Brother Rudolf L Stetz, who at 90 years of age put in a very polished performance (not that we expected anything less)!
Around 100 brethren were present at the meeting which was an excellent start to the installation season and following the ceremony, the majority of the brethren stayed to enjoy the celebration dinner at which the usual masonic toasts were offered.
Port Glasgow Otters Cheque Presentation:
Swimmers from Port Glasgow Otters have been selected to represent Scotland West at next year’s Special Olympics National Summer Games. Katie Boyle, Lindi Steele, Ross O’Donnell and Aimee Hagan will all participate in the five day event which will be held in Sheffield in August 2017. Andrew Hemphill, a coach from Port Glasgow Otters, has also been selected as a team coach for the event.
Special Olympics GB is the largest provider of a year-round, all ability, sports program in the United Kingdom and supports over 10,000 athletes with intellectual (learning) disabilities on a continued basis. The National Summer Games is held every four years within different Cities across the U.K.
The competitors and coach, Andrew Hemphill, need to raise a total of at least £2500, £500 each, to cover the participation costs for the event. After a fundraiser held at 626 the Lodge became aware of the level of funds the kids had to raise just to send themselves to the Special Olympics.
After a most successful first run of our ‘Charity Chase the Ace’ this seemed a very appropriate use for the funds which had been raised from all the Brethren of the Province and beyond. RWM Nicky Stetz expresses his most grateful thanks to all the brethren who supported the Chase the Ace scheme, it is through their generosity that 626 were able to support this worthwhile cause.