As we approach Christmas at the end of another year which hasn’t allowed much of what we hoped to achieve to be achieved, it is nevertheless a time to reflect and give thanks for all that we have achieved despite the covid problems. Throughout the year, at home and abroad, Scottish Freemasons have risen to the challenges that have presented themselves. Can I convey my grateful thanks to you all and to many of your families who have assisted in helping those less fortunate than ourselves! It is quite humbling, reading week on week through the SCFS website of all that you are achieving in your respective communities raising the profile of our beloved organisation through your generosity, hard work and determination. Thank you.
I hope and trust that, through vaccination, we will witness a general improvement in health in the coming year and that we will be able to return to a more normal lifestyle. With that in mind we are planning a bumper event here in Edinburgh when we will host the 4th International Scottish Masonic Conference from Monday 21st November till Wednesday 23rd November followed by the Grand Lodge Installation and Festival of St Andrew and closing with a Convocation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter. I look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh in November.
May you all have the spirit of Christmas, which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas, which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas, which is Love and that 2022 will, through the values of Freemasonry, see that Peace, Hope and Love make the world a happier and healthier place.
With every best wish to you and your families for a very happy and blessed Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.