The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Welcome to the 90th edition of the Weekly Update. Little did I think when I penned the first one in March 2020, that I would still be doing it 19 months later.
However we had very heartening news this week at the Heads of Orders meeting. In terms of Grand Lodge, we can report that some 70% of Lodges in Scotland are back operating to some level – whether that be for Committee and/or Business Meetings or full-blown Regular Meetings with Degrees being worked.
We are also hearing of plans to have Installation Meetings this year in a significant number of Lodges at home and abroad. In Scotland, we are aware that there are well over 400 candidates awaiting Initiation. Grand Secretary is writing to the District Grand Lodges to get an overall number.
That said, globally, we are aware that during the past 19 months over 1000 brethren have passed to the Grand Lodge above. As I have mentioned before, it is the intention of Grand Lodge to hold a Memorial Service, hopefully in February 2022 at which each of those Brethren will be remembered.
Further details of the service will be made available soon and all being well it will be broadcast live so that our brethren, wherever in the world they may be, will be able to join those who are attending the service by a video link.
- The Group saw its membership rise to 5766 Brethren from not only the Scottish Constitution but from many of our Sister Constitutions throughout the world.
- This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 950, submitted by 316 of its members.
- These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 338 Lodges, from within 55 of its Provincial Grand Lodges, District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges abroad under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge.
- In addition to the posts submitted by group members representing the Provinces of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Lanarkshire Upper Ward and the Scottish Borders, several posts were added by the Widows Sons Scotland East and West Chapters who have been regular contributors to the group.
- The total identifiable monetary value of the contributions now recorded has risen to £1,553,538.
SCFS Overseas Report
- Our Overseas Membership has now risen to 1622 This is thanks to new members joining us from our Lodges in the Districts of the Bahamas, Central South Africa (RSA), Far East (Philippines), Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
- The largest increase in membership was from the District of the Bahamas.
- We now have 935 Brethren (ICMs -International Constitution Members), who belong to Lodges whose Grand Lodges are in amity with GLoS, spreading news of the wonderful support featured in the posts on the main SCFS page and on the increasingly popular SCFS-Showcase, throughout their constitutions worldwide.
- During this week, the expanding reach of SCFS was seen by the fact that Brethren joined from 7different Masonic Constitutions, including: GL ofCalifornia, GL of New Brunswick, United GL of Victoria, GL of Georgia, Grand East of the Netherlands, UGLE, and the GL of Ireland.
- An interesting post was received from Brother Ivor Lopez, District Grand Secretary, sharing the support of Great Ormond Street Hospital by Lodge Al Moghreb Al Aska, No. 670, in the District of Gibraltar.
- This was published on SCFS-Showcase in addition to a detailed post highlighting the support of Lodge Ailsa, No. 1172, Singapore, in the District of the Middle East, for the Children’s Wishing Well Foundation.
- Lodges in our Districts, under Grand Superintendents and under the supervision of Grand Lodge, are all encouraged to continue sharing the examples of the excellent support in which they are involved and we look forward, in turn, to sharing it with all our Brethren.
My sincere thanks for the welcome the Grand Lodge Deputation received in the Province of Forfarshire last Saturday. It was a joyful occasion with great optimism being displayed for the way ahead. This weekend, I am looking forward to being in Stonehaven for the Installation of Brother Graham MacKay as Provincial Grand Master of Kincardineshire.
Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other.
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason