The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
During the past week both Grand Secretary and I have been asked on a few occasions – “When can we open our Lodges again?” The Heads of Orders are meeting on 9th June to appraise the situation but until then all Lodges in Scotland will remain closed. I am cautiously confident that we will see movement after that date and in preparation, Grand Committee agreed yesterday morning to issue guidance notes to all Lodges at home and abroad to assist in the process of reopening whenever that will be. The guidance notes will be equally relevant to our Brethren in the Districts and Superintendencies provided they use them in conjunction with local laws and guidance. Further guidance will be issued shortly in respect of the use of Lodge premises by other organisations. I am aware that such activity is a vital source of revenue for some Lodges. Legal advice is being sought on the matter, but we will ensure that we do all in our power to safeguard Lodge Trustees and members.
A significant milestone has been reached and many congratulations are extended to our 5000th Member ... Brother Ian Duff. Brother Duff is a Past Master of both Lodge Broughty Castle, No. 486, and Lodge Discovery, No. 1789, and, in addition to currently being Almoner in both Lodges, is also Junior Deacon in Lodge Aurora Borealis, No. 1809.
Another 52 Brethren joined the group which saw its membership grow to 5049 Brethren from not only the Scottish Constitution but from many of our Sister Constitutions throughout the world.
This week saw the total examples of charitable giving recorded within the group rise to 757, submitted by 281 of its members.
These updated contributions can now be attributed as to being made on behalf of 319 Lodges, from within all 32 Provincial Grand Lodges, 23 of its District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge.
Another £4635 of contributions with an identifiable monetary value was added during the week, seeing the total rise to £1,196,182 since the creation of the group.
SCFS New Development
Following the recent announcement that identifiable support in excess of £1Million has been recorded within the group, which now prepares to celebrate its first anniversary, has received its 750th post and has welcomed Bro. Ian Duff as its 5000th member, the Admin Team of SCFS is happy to announce that, as of Saturday 1st May, 2021, a public facing Sister page is to be launched on Facebook. The page, named “SCFS-Showcase”, will highlight a selection of posts which have appeared over the last year on the main SCFS page ... on an ongoing basis. The creation of this page will enable friends and family, along with other members of the public to view, share and comment on the many examples of the charitable giving undertaken by Scottish Constitution Freemasons throughout the world. We hope that this latest development of the SCFS page will receive your support and help spread the many good news stories to a much wider audience. The page can be accessed from Facebook by searching for “SCFS-Showcase” or by using the link below.
SCFS Overseas Report
Our Overseas Membership has now risen to 1432 Brethren. This is thanks to new members joining us from Lodges in Newfoundland and Labrador, Central South Africa (Transvaal), Middle East (Singapore), Lebanon, Bermuda.
The largest increase in membership was from the District of Lebanon, with the most Brethren joining from an individual Lodge coming from Lodge Al Arz, No. 1853, the second youngest Lodge in Lebanon.
Our membership of Brethren who belong to Lodges whose Grand Lodges are in amity with GLoS continues to grow. We now have 542 Brethren spreading news of the wonderful support, featured in the SCFS posts, throughout their constitutions.
This week Brethren joined from 15 different Masonic constitutions, namely: GL of Norway, GL of Nigeria, UGLE (South America, Guyana, Bombay), GL of Texas, GL of Missouri, GL of Greece, GL of Romania, GL of Canada in the Province of Ontario, GL of Mexico, GL of Michigan, GL of India, GL of Illinois.
In addition to the above, the list of Grand Lodges represented by Brethren within them joining as ICMs had the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, the Grand Lodge of Equador, and the Grand Lodge of Israel added to it.
Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason