The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
As I write this week’s update, another donation of foodstuffs which, as reported below, is now being distributed throughout Scotland, takes the total identifiable monetary value of contributions to well over £1,000,000. This, along with over another £500,000 donated to Prostate Scotland over the past few years demonstrates an outstanding contribution into our local communities at home and abroad. My thanks to each and every one of you who have contributed in any way whatsoever to the many initiatives that have taken place, especially during the pandemic.
The Grand Lodge Strategy Working Party will meet on Tuesday to take forward their work. The aim is twofold: to provide a short-term strategy to get us through and out of Covid-19 and a long-term strategy to take Scottish Freemasonry forward through the 21st century. Grand Secretary will circulate the short-term information to all Lodges at home and abroad when we get a clearer indication of when we will be allowed to reopen and what conditions and/or restrictions will be imposed.
The next lecture in the History & Heritage Group Series will be by Brother Jacques Huyghebaert, on Wednesday 10th March at 7.00 pm. Brother Huyghebaert is a rare example of a Brother who has been Master of Lodges in five different constitutions – England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. On Wednesday night he will be telling us about Scottish Freemasonry in Sri Lanka.SCFS
- Membership of the group has risen over the last week to 4733 Brethren from Lodges working under, or recognised by, the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
- The number of posts recorded within the group has risen to 675, submitted by 261 group members.
- These updated contributions can now be attributed as to having been made on behalf of 307 Lodges.
- Contributions have been recorded from Lodges within all 32 Provincial Grand Lodges, 22 of our District Grand Lodges, Superintendencies and Lodges under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge, with the District Grand Lodge of East Africa being added this week.
- Another donation of foodstuffs valued at over £150,000 was secured by Bro. Kevin Taggart, IPM, of Lodge Buchan St. John, No. 636, and also a moderator of the Scottish Constitution Freemasonry Supports Group. This is once again being shared with Lodges and Provinces, the length and breadth of the country, with which Lodge Buchan St. John has an association. These will in turn be distributed to many worthwhile organisations over the coming weeks as part of the Lodge Buchan St. John, No. 636 Inter Province Community Care Initiative.
A huge milestone was reached during the week with the total identifiable monetary value of contributions exceeding £1,000,000. The total now stands at a magnificent £1,011,060.
SCFS Overseas Report
- With new members joining the SCFS group from the Districts of the Bahamas, Far East (Hong Kong), India, Trinidad & Tobago and Grenada, Western Australia, we now have 1351 members from Overseas Lodges.
- 27 new ICMs were welcomed from the Grand Lodge of India, Grand Lodge of Japan, Grand Lodge of Indiana, United Grand Lodges of Germany, Grand Lodge of Spain, Grand Lodge of Chile, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, Grand Lodge of Quebec, Norwegian Order of Freemasons, Grand Lodge of Ohio, Grand Lodge of Victoria, Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, UGLE (England, South Africa North, Wales, Bengal), Grand Lodge of Argentina. This brings the ICM membership total to 387 Brethren. We look forward to welcoming our 400th ICM this coming week.
- A warm welcome was extended to Brother Richard Num (Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory).
· We received an outstanding post from Brother Eddie Quraishy, PM, Lodge Mount Longonot, No. 1813, Kenya, in the District of East Africa, about the Lodge Mount Longonot School Project.
Finally, as always, please stay safe and look after each other
Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason